Watch the Horizon
As new vehicle, ITS, and data technologies come on board and funding and policy changes occur at the regional, state, and federal levels, we’ll be your eyes and ears on what’s to come, helping you prepare for and seize opportunities.
Key Consideration:
Big Data
There is an increasing amount of big data available to track and understand vehicle speeds, near-miss indicators, hard-braking and other similar metrics often associated with road safety performance. Embrace big data in your safety work! Through strategic, right-sized investment, it can successfully complements traditional data sources to help you assess the effectiveness of safety improvements more quickly and further justify investments in systemic and other proactive safety improvements.
Vehicle Safety
Safe vehicles are a critical element of a Safe System, but it can feel hard to influence vehicle safety when so much about vehicle design and operation is regulated at the federal or state level. Don’t give up, though, because there are important ways for communities to encourage safe vehicles too. Maybe your agency has influence over vehicle licensing fees, allowing you to make it more expensive to own and operate heavier vehicles. Maybe your agency manages its own vehicle fleet, allowing you to build in the latest safety technologies. Or maybe your community is ready to contribute to advocacy efforts at the state or federal level. Whether it’s through AV readiness planning, curbside management efforts, Safe Routes to School mode shift priorities, or truck route designations, local communities have a role to play in progress towards safe vehicles.
We are passionate about innovating with purpose and regularly invest time to stay current on evolving technologies, practices, and data that can help improve road safety. We look for opportunities to bring ideas and information into practice by contributing to and/or creating resources like ITE’s technical brief on Applications of Big Data in Safety Analysis.
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What's next?
Connect with us to talk about next steps for implementing customized and impactful Safe System solutions in your community.
Erin Ferguson
What's next?
Connect with us to talk about next steps for implementing customized and impactful Safe System solutions in your community.