by Fehr & Peers | Apr 20, 2022 | Climate Change, Data Science, Fehr & Peers News, Safety
How can a transportation network be enhanced to create better access for moving people safely in an emergency? Learn about a new tool, developed in partnership with the City of Rancho Cucamonga, for evaluating access and egress under different evacuation scenarios.
by Fehr & Peers | Mar 25, 2022 | Active Transportation, Climate Change, Data Science, Emerging Technologies, Fehr & Peers News, Freight, Land Use & Transportation, Parking, Transit Planning, Transportation Engineering, Transportation Forecasting & Operations
In part two of a series on evolving traffic validation, we examined StreetLight as a potential source for larger samplings of turning movement volume estimates to overcome the limitations of using one- or two-day counts.
by Fehr & Peers | Feb 8, 2022 | Active Transportation, Climate Change, Data Science, Emerging Technologies, Fehr & Peers News, Freight, Land Use & Transportation, Parking, Transit Planning, Transportation Engineering, Transportation Forecasting & Operations
In part one of a two-part series on traffic volume estimation and StreetLight validation, we examine key questions to understand the possible variations for two industry standard methods.
by Fehr & Peers | Jul 1, 2021 | Data Science, Emerging Technologies, Equity in Transportation, Transportation Forecasting & Operations
The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Pedestrian and Bicycle Standing Committee developed the Micromobility Facility Design Guide Informational Report, which summarizes potential design challenges micromobility users experience as they travel on typical roadways.
by Fehr & Peers | Dec 14, 2020 | Data Science
Our Crosswalk+ tool provides safety-centered insight for selecting possible crosswalk treatments based on the latest safety research and methodologies.
by Fehr & Peers | Nov 16, 2020 | Communications & Engagement, Data Science, Emerging Technologies, Fehr & Peers News, Safety, Uncategorized
Our customizable Crowdsource+ tool empowers community members to participate in the transportation planning process and provides clients with an effective way to receive and prioritize feedback.