Highway Traffic Forecasting

New Fact Sheets for NEPA Compliance Available

Highway Traffic Forecasting

New Fact Sheets for NEPA Compliance Available

Published: December 01, 2023

Whether framed for sustainability, greenhouse gas reduction, safety, or land use efficiency, Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) is aligned with the values of many cities, counties, and even states as a critical metric to support desired transportation outcomes. Induced VMT refers to the phenomenon where building or expanding highway capacity can lead to a rise in overall vehicle travel that dampens congestion relief benefits and contributes to higher levels of air pollutant and GHG emissions. Understanding induced VMT becomes imperative for policymakers to address this complex issue while striving for balanced solutions that promote mobility without an overreliance on automobiles.

For those interested in induced VMT and how transportation projects contribute to VMT impacts, we are excited to announce a new federal resource as well as California state guidance that includes technical input from our national VMT experts listed below.

Our National VMT Experts
Ron Milam

Ron Milam

Forecasting Practice Leader

Jerry Walters

Jerry Walters


Chris Breiland

Chris Breiland

Director of Research & Development

Bruce Griesenbeck

Bruce Griesenbeck

Transportation Analyst

Chelsea Richer

Chelsea Richer


Jinghua Xu

Jinghua Xu

Project Manager